Saturday, May 8, 2010

So Much to See and Do the Kids (and adults) Will have the Time of Their Lives

Yesterday afternoon my friend called me and said she would be playing soccer on a field near my house and she thought I might like to walk the dog over and watch.  Yes, I would like to watch the game, no I would not like to bring the dog.  He's had his chance to attend a soccer game.  One day we were out walking in an big open area (he was off leash) when we came upon a girls' high school soccer practice.  He started running up and down the field with the girls, chasing the ball and having great time. When I finally got him leashed up and over to the sidelines, the girls came over and started petting him and fawning over him.  Noticing how irritated the coach was, we left.
Handball courts are in the background.
 The field where my friend was playing is part of a vast and impressive sports complex that lies between Roosevelt Park and San Jose High Academy.  There is a fantastic skateboard park, a roller hockey rink and stadium, handball courts, baseball fields (yes, multiple baseball fields) football stadium and track.
Roller hockey rink is in background.
Nestled in among all these arenas are two open fields large enough to accommodate soccer.  Any given night in San Jose, one is likely to find soccer games (organized and not) taking place in parks and schools and fields.  My friend's game was part of an adult coed soccer league and I have to say it sure looked like fun and set against the backdrop of Mt Hamilton with Lick Observatory sparkling in the setting sun, it was a pleasure to be there.

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