Off you go to your new home.
A few weeks ago when I arrived at the Master Gardeners Annual Heirloom Tomato and Pepper sale a few minutes after the 9 AM start time only to find there were NO PARKING places near the event and then 15 minutes later after parking a short distance from the sale and walking to the rows and rows of tomato plants only to discover many varieties were already sold out, I got the feeling that home vegetable gardening had become something of a phenomena. There were scads of people cruising the aisles, loading up on tomato and pepper plants and these weren't just us old-timers like me. There were plenty of young people including young parents pulling wagons full of kids and plants. How heartening! This weekend I decided to check out the chick sale at Sam's Downtown Feed store and saw a scene similar to the plant sale only a smaller scale. Sam's hosts a baby chick sale each year with 4H members on hand to inform and educate the public on chicks and 4H. The chicks were selling like crazy. I overheard one customer urge someone on the other end of her cell phone to decide quickly because there was only one of a particular variety left. Are these "victory chickens" to get us through tough times? If you would like to get in on this backyard chicken movement then head on over to Sam's on Saturday, June 6th when this event repeats. You can learn all about raising poultry, buy a few chicks and pick up all the feed and equipment you need for them while you are there.