If you are a person whose ego might be bruised by getting mowed down by an extremely experienced gardener, then this event is not for you.
The madness lasts about 15 minutes at which point many of the more coveted tomato varieties are gone but the atmosphere is more relaxed and fun and there is still plenty to choose from. The sale features heirloom tomatoes, peppers, herbs and a variety of vegetables and flowers. There are also industrial strength tomato cages for sale and (in a separate area) vendors of all gardening related goods. The sale is extremely well-organized and even provides "plant sitting" for you while you continue shopping.
Or you can just have a family member guard your selections while you continue shopping.
It is best to come to the sale with a game plan. The Master Gardeners website provides you with a list of available plants for "pre-shopping" and then of course you have to check your list to make sure you got everything.